
Showing posts from 2022

Diabetes and Constipation: What’s the Connection Between Them?

  Most diabetic patients report constipation as a common problem. They wonder if diabetes is linked to constipation. If you struggle with irregular bowel movements, it’s important to see a diabetologist in Navi Mumbai to determine a suitable treatment plan. Living with diabetes can be challenging, especially if you face difficulty controlling your blood sugar levels. A combination of lifestyle changes, monitoring glucose levels regularly, and taking your medication can help manage blood glucose. But what about constipation? Research shows that 60% of diabetic patients experience constipation. It was concluded that people with type 1 or type 2 diabetes are at higher risk of developing constipation than general people. The question is, “what’s the connection”? Diabetic Neuropathy A common cause linked to the increased risk of constipation in diabetic patients is neuropathy. It’s so common that 60-70 percent of diabetic patients report some kind of nerve damage. The nerve da